Please let me inform you about the international conference which will be organized by KASZÓ cPlc. and the Forest Research Institute of the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre between the 29th and 30th of May 2018. The KASZÓ-LIFE Project (LIFE12 NAT/HU/000593) started in the fall of 2013 and its main goal is the improvement of the retention of surface and underground waters on forested areas in order to increase the time period of water absorption by forest associations.
The main topics of the conference include the role of water in the forest and the introduction of those practical water management measures and innovations in forestry which are able to mitigate the effects of extreme weather events in forest ecosystems caused by global warming. In the morning of the first day the invited speakers will provide a general overview of the topic The KASZÓ-LIFE project will be introduced during a field trip in the afternoon. Presentations of the registered participants will take place in the morning of the second day.
The conference will be held in English and Hungarian, simultaneous interpreting will be provided during the presentations.
Arrival: from 4:00pm on the 28th of May 2018.
29th of May 2018
- 7.00-8.30am Breakfast
- 8.30-9.00am Registration
- 9.00-10.10am Presentations
- 10.10-10.30am Coffee break
- 10.30-11.50am Presentations
- 11.50am-1.30pm Lunch
- 1.30-5.00pm Field trip
- 6.30pm- Dinner
30th of May 2018
- 7.00-8.30am Breakfast
- 9.00-10.10am Presentations
- 10.10-10.30am Coffee break
- 10.30-12.10am Presentations
- 12.10am-1.30pm Lunch
- 1.30pm-Departure home
On the second day of the event, the Oak protection project will be introduced by Ms. Natasa Rap and dr. Ivan Pilas.