Presentation of project results - Recommendations for adaptation to climate change in relation to the forest and aquatic ecosystems

The most important part of the project "Protectin of the English oak in the crossborder area", the acronym "Oak protection" is an ecological study. The 146 pages of text, tables, figures and diagrams scientifically deal with the state of forest and aquatic ecosystems of the Koska forestry with recommendations for management adaptation in climate changes. The study was created by experts from contracted companys Perceptives and Biota with the help of experts from the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb and the employees of the Forest Administation Branch Našice.
For the purpose of the study, fieldwork was carried out, which included investigating the structure of stands on the test plots, determining the growth of pedunculate oaks, analyzing the features of forest soils, and field research on the status of aquatic ecosystems. Data on forest stands and performed forest work were taken from the Croatian Forests database, and data on LiDAR imaging were processed, which was performed twice for the study area: in April 2018 and in April 2019.
During the preparation of the Study...
Presentation of project results - Invasive plant control in habitats of Ormánság

The rapid spread of invasive species is one of the most significant factors that threaten our biodiversity. Tis phenomenon is becoming more and more well-known to the present day: we see new plant and animal species appearing in the landscape that becoming dominant within a few years.
Nowadays, invasion biology has become a separate discipline that is constantly evolving. We have a constantly expanding knowledge for the spread, effects and control of invasive species. However, this knowledge is far from complete, and it is likely that it will never be due to the new, constantly appearing alien species. Anyway, we must strive to make the research, monitoring and surveillance activities as complete and effective as possible, which efforts are also supported by the European Union.
Among others, Mecsekerdő Forestry and Našice Forestry wanted to participate actively in the achievement of these latter objectives by establishing international cooperation with Oak Protection, supported by the European Union.
In our publication, we report on the...
Successful closing of The Hungarian-Croatian project called “Oak protection”
Mecsekerdő Zrt., in cooperation with Nasice Forestry Co. of the Croatian State forestry Company held on 11 June the closing conference of the Croatian-Hungarian project called “Protection of the English oak in the cross-border region – Oak protection”.
At the event held in the Seedling Nursery of Gajic, partners and experts participating in the project shared the experiences of the cooperation with the interested audience. The project was awarded with the “good practice” title by the Regional and Urban Development Directorate of the European Commission.
Executive of the Nasice Forestry, Vlado Keglevic greeted participants and emphasised that the samples and data collected by the project can now be used by the...
Closing conference, Našice
Croatian Forests d.o.o. Zagreb, Forestry Administration Branch Našice and Mecsekerdő Zrt. Pécs are pleased to invite you to
of the project
Venue: Forest nursery Gajić, Zoljan, 31500 Našice
(parking is provided at the location of Forest nursery Gajic, x: 622696, y: 5038899)
Date:, June 11th 2019. (Tuesday)
- 9.30 – 10.00 Registration
- 10.00 – 10.10 Welcoming word of the organizer – Vlado Keglević, Head of FAB Našice
- 10.10 – 10.20 Introductory word – Kakas Andrea, Program Manager HUHR Joint Secretariat
- 10.20 –...
INVITATION - Croatian Forests d.o.o. Zagreb, Forestry Administration Branch Našice and Mecsekerdő Zrt. Pécs are pleased to invite you to ONGOING FORESTRY LECTURE a professional workshop of the project "Protection of the English oak in the cross-border area" (Oak protection) which will be held within "Slavonian Oak Festival "
Venue: Dom Kulture Našice (Trg dr.Franje Tuđmana, 31500 Našice) Date: September 7, 2018. (Friday)
- 11.00 – 11.30 Registration
- 11.30 – 11.35 Welcoming word of the organizer – Vlado Keglević, Head of FAB Našice
- 11.35 – 11.45: Introduction to the workshop, briefly about the project Oak protection, Nataša Rap, Project Manager for FAB Našice
- 11.45 – 12.25: State, Dynamics and Adaptation Possibilities for Climate Change of Lowland Standings Forestry Koška: Case Study within the framework INTERREG project...
Invitation - Forestry cooperation without borders workshop
INVITATION - Croatian Forests d.o.o. Zagreb, Forestry Administration Branch Našice and Mecsekerdő Zrt. are pleased to invite you to the workshop “Forestry cooperation without borders” in the framework of EUROPEAN COOPERATION DAY which will be held within ”Slavonian Oak Festival”
Venue: Hotel Park Panolija Našice (Trg dr. Franje Tuđmana 4, 31500, Našice) Date: September 7, 2018. (Friday)
- 9.00 - 9.05: Welcoming word of the organizer - Vlado Keglević, Head of FAB Našice
- 9.05 - 9.15: Introductory word - Andrea Kakas, Program Manager HUHR Joint Secretariat
- 9.15 - 9.45:Red Faith, Project Presentation - Boris Ljubojevic, Project Manager for FAB Osijek
- 9.45 - 10.15: Oak protection, project presentation - Nataša Rap, Project Manager for FAB Našice
The event will be bilingual and the Croatian – Hungarian consecutive interpreting will be ensured.
Please confirm arrival by August 31 by e-mail:...
Professional workshop and forestry training
Mecsekerdő Zrt. and HRVATSKE ŠUME d.o.o. Zagreb, Uprava šuma Podružnica Našice are pleased to invite you to the professional workshop and forestry training of the
„Protection of the English oak in the cross-border area (Oak protection)”
Venue: Headquarters of the Regional Committee in Pécs of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
(7624 Pécs, Jurisics M. u. 44. – Google Maps – GPS coordinates 46.082769, 18.210533)
Parking is available in the court of headquarters free of charge.
Appointment: 27th June 2018 (Wednesday)
- 09.30 – 10.00: Registration
- 10.00 – 10.20:...
International LIFE conference in Kaszó
2018.05.28 to 2018.05.30
Please let me inform you about the international conference which will be organized by KASZÓ cPlc. and the Forest Research Institute of the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre between the 29th and 30th of May 2018. The KASZÓ-LIFE Project (LIFE12 NAT/HU/000593) started in the fall of 2013 and its main goal is the improvement of the retention of surface and underground waters on forested areas in order to increase the time period of water absorption by forest associations.
The main topics of the conference include the role of water in the forest and the introduction of those practical water management measures and innovations in forestry which are able to mitigate the effects of extreme weather events in forest ecosystems caused by global warming. In the morning of the first day the invited speakers will provide a general overview of the topic The KASZÓ-LIFE project will be introduced during a field trip in the afternoon. Presentations of the registered participants will take place in the morning of the second day.
The conference will be held in English and...
Kick-off conference and workshop

The opening event of the project entitled “Protection of the English oak in the cross-border area” implemented within the Hungary-Croatia Interreg Co-operation Programme 2014-2020 took place on 13 December 2017 in the headquarters of the Pécs Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
At the conference the representatives of the project leader, Mecsekerdő Inc. and their Croatian partner, Nasice Forestry introduced the project called “Oak protection”, the comprehensive objective of which is the protection of the indigenous forests – consisting mainly of English oak – in the cross-border areas, the exploration of the background of forest decays and contaminations, and the preservation of the fertility of soil. The moderator of the opening conference was Tamás Kocsis, Head of Department of Development and Tender Management of Mecsekerdő Inc., also manager of the respective project.
Milán Kiss, development and tendering experts of Mecsekerdő Inc. emphasised during the introduction of the details of the project that the project supported by the European...