Knowledge base

The project 'Protection of the english oak in the cross – border area' ('Oak protection')  is a joint project of Hungarian and Croatian forests (Mecsekerdő Zrt. And Croatian Forests d.o.o.).

Mutual issues and similar challenges in forest management have joined the experts on both sides of the Drava River in their efforts to find a solution to the challenges of preserving indigenous vegetation that is under increasing influence of climate change. Climate change, particularly frequent occurrences of drought or flooding, have a negative impact on the tree's vitality and habitat stability.

A crossborder groundwater monitoring system has been established through this project since groundwater level is of vital importance for the stability of English oak forest ecosystem.

Collected data, complemented by local meteorological parameters, lay the foundations for development and application of new forest management measures.

In addition to establishing the groundwater monitoring system, another important project goal was to find an effective model for suppression of invasive plant species. Invasive plant species easily invade degraded and destabilized habitats and their aggressiveness, rapid growth and expansion represent high threat to sensitive natural habitats.

In the process of fighting against invasive plants, it is most important to identify the potential danger promptly to be able to take appropriate action as soon as possible. By pictures and description of the invasive plant species most frequently found in our forest habitats, the brochure will help foresters and other nature lovers in recognizing plants that can endanger native vegetation.



The European Commission’s LIFE programme unit and Regione Lombardia organised, with the support of the Neemo EEIG External Team, a LIFE platform meeting on Invasive Alien Species. The event took place in Milan, Italy on 29th and 30th November 2017, within the framework of the LIFE GESTIRE2020 (LIFE14 IPE IT 018) project.

Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and their impact to the environment are one of the key topics addressed by LIFE projects over the years, which should deserve adequate dissemination and which should act as example for the development of further ideas and proposals. The meeting brought together LIFE projects and other organisations, to shared the many experiences and case studies on this topic, assess strength and weaknesses of the LIFE programme in relation to the implementation of the EU Regulation of IAS, evaluated future challenges and opportunities, including links with other nature protection legislation and with other EU financial resources.

LIFE GESTIRE2020 is an integrated nature project aiming to implement a regional strategy for Natura 2000 and biodiversity in Lombardy. Among actions to improve the conservation status of protected habitats and species, the topic of alien species is being addressed by the project by the implementation of a Regional strategy on IAS.

Download slides of the meeting:


Rosalia Handbooks 3The second, revised and expanded edition of this volume was supported by ’Conservation of priority natural values in Turjánvidék Natura 2000 site southern unit’ LIFE+ Nature program (LIFE10NAT/HU/000020). For detailes on the project see The first publication of this volume was funded by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union (HUSK/1101/2.2.1/0052) (; The content of the current volume does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.
